The morality of telling one’s neighbors that your place is infested with bed bugs must be met head on!
BOGMAN was speaking with a friend and asked the question: “Would you tell your neighbors that you
have bed bugs?”
She answered quite openly ‘No, I would not tell.” Why not: “Because I would be telling them that my
house is dirty! Everyone knows that bed bugs come from a dirty house, just like all other bugs.”
Is this true of BED BUGS? BOGMAN thinks not! Quite clearly BED BUG infestations come from other BED
BUGS that have been brought into the home. Bed Bugs are considered to be hitch hikers and arrive to
your home quite quietly on clothing, in book bags, in boxes and any other way to get a ride.
Bed Bugs do bite, but so far, are not shown to carry disease however the bites are ugly and irritating.
If you have very young children you must be vigilant and take quick action when you find bite marks on
your child.
Back to the question of the day: Should you tell your neighbors that you have a problem with bed bugs?
Tough to say, but you do have an ethical dilemma; face your neighbor before the bed bugs are
transferred from your home to their home or say nothing. Reverse the question: would you want to
know about bed bugs at your neighbor?
Take no chances: call a professional! Visit
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