Wow! , isn’t it wonderful! Our canine friends can be trained to sniff out anything, even bed bugs.
Our creepy, crawly non–friends are resting comfortably under the covers on the bed when in walks
a bed bug sniffing dog! The dog finds the bed bugs and whistles to let others know he has found the
enemy! One bug says:”This can’t be good” and the other responds “scatter”. Tomorrow we will most
likely see a pest professional on the scene or perhaps on Sunday!
A marvelous week and a very well done, basically accurate portrayal of the situation that many people
are facing. George Washington University, yesterday (11/18) announced that there is a problem at the
University in the dorm(s). Good news: the problem is being addressed by professionals! Bad news:
the University elected not to say anything about the situation to anyone except the students directly
involved. According to the students interviewed it appears that the university sprayed for the Bed
Bugs. This prompts questions: did the University use other techniques to deal with the clothing in the
rooms? How about behind the baseboards(of course the rooms might not have baseboards) Were the
students instructed to subject their backpacks, shoes, their dressers and all of the clothing stored in the
dressers to high heat (around 160 degrees is needed) in dryers? A question from yesterday in the strip:
what happened to the hitch hiker BED BUG? If the clothing is taken out of an infected room that clothing
must be taken out in a closed bag and taken to: one, the dryer, or 2. Thrown out immediately in the
dumpster. Was the vacuum cleaner bag thrown out?
Lovely week, let’s see how Michael Doonesbury handles the BED BUGS tomorrow or perhaps for the
biggest audience Sunday.
BED BUGS! If you have them: call a professional as soon as you can.
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