Thursday, November 18, 2010

BOG Man, The Continued Story of the Bed Bug

Today, in Doonesbury, the family is beginning to take corrective action with the infestation.

Just how do you deal with a bed bug invasion? How do you get control? Specifically, what steps are

The big ‘two’ of the situation: simply put: how and what! If you have followed the story line of the bed
bugs this week, BOGMAN, has discussed the situation from a moralistic point, now we will discuss the
how and what of the situation.

Is it true that high heat will kill the bed bugs? The answer: YES. Well isn’t that just great! Do you think
you can turn up the heat in the house to around 170 degrees? Just how to you deal with the baseboards
(yes the BED BUGS will be behind the wood). How about the furniture? The mattresses, box springs?
BEDBUGS are very small and very hard to see plus there are many, many of them!

Back to Mike Doonesbury’s mom, BOGMAN thinks Mrs. Doonesbury is playing the part of the pest
control professional (at least so far she is text book in her approach). The strip is funny and on the
mark. The situation being described is typical and very accurate. We are left, in the last frame,
with two BEDBUGS speaking to each other as hitchhikers would probably do. The traveler, the
hitchhiker, is leaving on a blanket and says: “I’m off” and the second bed bug, on the sheets of the bed
responds: “Safe travels”. I sure hope, for the sake of the home that Mrs. D puts the blanket in a plastic
bag and seals the bag!

Ah yes, pre-historic pest are hard to deal with!! See you tomorrow!

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