Friday, November 12, 2010

Harry Neophyte... Box Elder Bugs?

Just who is this Harry Neophyte person: Bugs sure are not funny! Have you ever
seen this bug, about ½ long, black with orange or red markings, with three stripes
on the area behind the head (aka the thorax)? Usually these guys do not travel
alone, in fact there are sometimes a full battalion of them just crawling on your
house! Just what are they searching for? Do they bite? Sting? What do they eat?
How long do they live? Why are they mostly on the southwest side of the house?
Why do they insist on coming inside? Logic says their must be something wrong
since you didn’t have the builder or previous owner order them as a gift!

Well guess what, these bugs, AKA Box Elders, serve no real purpose except to
annoy you and your family. However, let us not forget, bugs do have secretions!

A couple of hundred of these guys on your drapes or rugs and their poop will stain
your things! Besides if the bugs get stepped on, the resulting squish will stain!

On the bright side: they do not bite or sting, they just crawl around and poop all
over everything!

So, the question: what can you do?

BOGman to the rescue! Stay tuned and let’s explore some avenues of help -

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