The above is the headline in the Evening Capital from October 3, 2011. The recent very heavy rains have resulted in a dire and dangerous situation.
We at BOG Pest Control have been very worried about the results of over 30" of rain in large parts of our service area. Yesterday one of techs came back to the shop with very disconcerting news: he had been bitten in mid-morning by mosquitoes while on his route. The troubling part: Asian Tiger mosquitoes bite in mid morning and continue all day long. Asian Tiger Mosquitoes carry the West Nile Virus.
To date there have been four reported cases of West Nile in Anne Arundel County alone. Mosquitoes are at very high levels in all parts of county. We also serve Montgomery, Howard, Calvert, Charles, Prince Georges and several counties on the Shore. We can't say which area has the most serious problem: all areas have very high levels of mosquitoes.
The situation is so dangerous the Public Works Department in Anne Arundel is starting a spraying regimen next week beginning in the Pasadena area. Those at most risk are the elderly over 50 and very young children.
We are advising our clients to check for standing water throughout their property. Look for mosquito larva in the standing water. A new brood will hatch daily from some parts of your property.
Do not hesitate to call for help. We many trained techs who specialize in mosquito control. We can be to your home this week. By Friday, October 7 the numbers of mosquitoes will be very high. Don't think for a minute that this will pass: the situation is very dangerous for you and your family.
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