Look around at the splendor of your world. Surrounded by the blooms, new leaves and fresh mowed grass; what else could you ask for? Of course there are other things that come with the territory called spring. New hope, abundance, fragrance, the great outdoors and last but not least: ants, ants and still more ants! Whoa here fella, what do you mean an abundance of ants? Don’t we just have about enough of our friends the mighty ant?
Well the answer is actually the other way; ants, pre-date us, outnumber us and out weight us! Additionally, if we are not clean in our living areas our dear friends, the ant, will outlast us! Here are a few ideas: ladies start your engines: clean all of your counters including the range! After you have finished do it again! Ants must have something to eat and the mighty ant will travel great lengths to get that needed food. Please don’t feed the lions, tigers, gorillas or ants!!! They outnumber us, outweigh us and have been around much longer than us!
Spring time is time for romance. When you see swarming ants a mating ritual older than time itself has begun. The males seek out the females within the swarm. After the mating has occurred the males begin the death ritual: they have done their duty and will be dead very soon. The fertilized female will find a tiny crevice or other hiding place. She will discard her wings, form a small cell and will lay a few eggs.
The eggs will hatch and ah Ha; white grubs appear (very small by the way). The queen will feed the grubs and as the grubs begin to grow the grub morphs into a worker ant. The worker ant forages for food (these are the ones in your home!)As the workers develop and more ants are hatched there will be new females and additional males: ah ha again: the swarm appears and off we go again. Good old queen will live 10-20 years on average producing eggs the entire time.
Please be careful in the treatment of ant invasions! Residential products may not be the best for you to use. Contact us for professional guidance!!
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